My Second Wind

I generally like Status Quo and when I don’t, I write about it.

I call my Blog as "My Second Wind", because the first time I came to blogs, I was not so sure what I am going to write about. I don’t claim I exactly know now what I will do, but it is a bit more clearer in my head.

What you should not expect in my blog:
You should not expect my blogs to be politically, technically, grammatically correct. You should not think it is meant to offend anyone or any group- that is not my intention at all. I have too many issues with myself and the last thing I want to do is to cheese-off someone else.

What you can expect from my blog:
I try to get my point across fast, so that if someone wants to build on any idea, they can do so quick. My blogs would be primarily around my view on how my world around me can be a bit different and a bit better (co-incidentally, sometimes it could be your world too)



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