How many is too many Social Networks?

We have seen a lot of disruptive technologies that have come to stay over the last decade in the World Wide Web. First there were web mails, then chat engines, Messengers, Search Engines, Blogs, and Social Networks.
There were very many products in each of these spaces when the technology was new. Only a few remain today. Given that all new products launches will be subjected to the laws of the jungle and only the fittest survive, my question is..."Is there space for some more Social Networking Sites?" given that FB, Google and Twitter are already Rocking!!
I had written an article on Social Networks and Social CRM sometime back and you might want to check it out if you are interested in this area.
Another interesting question, can a Web-Based Email launch (With some breathtaking features) find new takers at this point of time given that Email as a technology might be on its decline stage. We all moved to Gmail even when we had Hotmail, Yahoo and a few others. Will we move again?


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