
Showing posts from 2014

What you give is what you get (WYGiWYG)- Make your World a bit better, a lot faster- Part 3

Just to refresh your memory, in Part # 1 of my blog on this subject I referred to WYGiWYG (What you give is What you get) as a Crowd Source Ideation and Application Development platform where you and me can come together and put together an application, market it, get it going and hand it over to the Government when the benefit of the application is there for anyone to see. In this blog, as planned earlier, I am going to elaborate on the Framework for Integrated Helpdesk for good Governance (Through Public Opinion and Feedback), an example for an Application/ Infrastructure that can get built through this WYGiWYG platform “A Problem needs to be reported first in order to be solved”, That is the basic premise behind this “Integrated Helpdesk”. This is a proposal to enable the various public interfacing functions/departments of State Govts.  and/or the Central Govt. to listen to the actual problems of the people and to their views/Requests for improvements through an Integrat

What you give is what you get (WYGiWYG)- Make your World a bit better, a lot faster- Part 2

In my last blog, I wrote about having a Common Platform where anyone can contribute towards creating Apps that can be used to solve some of the nagging issues in a community. In this blog, let me try to illustrate a need for such Apps We all know what kind of a nuisance Crime can be in our lives. There is a phenomenal amount of resources and time being spent to control crime in the society. Can an app really reduce Crime rate in a Society? Wait, I don’t envisage using this platform to create an App that will eventually become an “Iron Man” and fight crime and bring in world peace. Instead, for example, what I envisage is a simple app that helps the common man to report a Crime (Especially in India, where one hesitates walking into a police station for various reasons). Timely reporting of a Crime goes a long way in Preventing Further damage and in nabbing the culprit. That hardly happens and hence the increasing crime rate. Currently, the victim or the witness is hardly a p

What you give is what you get (WYGiWYG)- Make your World a bit better, a lot faster- Part1

Part 1- A platform to create Apps that will change the World- Must be Kidding!!!...Read on.. What you give is what you get (WYGiWYG)- Make your World a bit better, a lot faster What this is(Envisaged to be) A Site/Platform that will Crowd Source, Ideas, Lines of Codes, Infrastructure, Skills, Money and time to Build IT Solutions / Applications that can solve some of the nagging issues in the world/your country. Applications / Solutions that will be so developed will be provided to the State/Central Govt. Free of cost. The Site will have following Sections ·          Ideas- A place to list, Discuss, Debate and Fine Tune Ideas for New Applications/ Solutions ·          Requirements Page-  A place to capture Requirements for one Particular Application idea. ·          Design- A Place with version Control where Against Selected Ideas, please can come up with HLD/FRS ·          Detailed Design- A Place with Version Control where against available HLDs people can com