What you give is what you get (WYGiWYG)- Make your World a bit better, a lot faster- Part1

Part 1- A platform to create Apps that will change the World- Must be Kidding!!!...Read on..
What you give is what you get (WYGiWYG)- Make your World a bit better, a lot faster

What this is(Envisaged to be)
A Site/Platform that will Crowd Source, Ideas, Lines of Codes, Infrastructure, Skills, Money and time to Build IT Solutions / Applications that can solve some of the nagging issues in the world/your country.
Applications / Solutions that will be so developed will be provided to the State/Central Govt. Free of cost.

The Site will have following Sections
·         Ideas- A place to list, Discuss, Debate and Fine Tune Ideas for New Applications/ Solutions
·         Requirements Page-  A place to capture Requirements for one Particular Application idea.
·         Design- A Place with version Control where Against Selected Ideas, please can come up with HLD/FRS
·         Detailed Design- A Place with Version Control where against available HLDs people can come up with DLDs
·         Development Environments- A Page with links to all Development Environments in which People can code
·         Deployment and Testing- A Page with Links to all Testing Environments where Codes get Deployed and Testers can test and Leave Test Results in a Tool like QTP
·         Production Environment- A Page with links to all production Environments
·         User Guides – A Page where folks can create good User Guides for each Application that gets Built and Deployed
·         FAQs and Support Page- One Page per application for all FAQs, Self Service, Previously Provided Solutions etc…
·         RSS, Search to be supported in this site.

Will be welcome from Individuals / Corporate-While Individuals can contribute in Ideas/ Codes/Testing etc…Corporate can contribute to Provide Infrastructure like Development and Test Environments and Tools like QTP and Licenses for other Development tools

Cut Over and Go Live
Once An Application is ready for Deployment, People can start using the application. Once it gains critical mass, we can offer to Government for Adopting the application which will be given off free to the Govt. Govt  Can go on transfer the application into the Govts. Secure Cloud Infrastructure and can have their own Maintenance teams.

Now….how do we go about getting this Site up and putting the muscle behind it?- Crowd source its development and marketing as well? 


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